School & Office Hours
Regular Office Hours
Mrs. Louise Tait is our Administrative Assistant. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Break time: 10:20 to 10:40am and lunch: 12:25-1:05pm
The front door outside the office is UNLOCKED (but may occasionally be locked and a doorbell placed outside if Mrs. Tait has stepped out of the office or is on break/lunch). The other outside doors to the building are locked.
All visitors, including parents/guardians/caregivers, must:
Report to the office and sign in.
Obtain and display a visitor/volunteer tag while at the school.
Return visitor/volunteer tag and sign out before leaving.
Volunteers must have a current Criminal Record Check and completed the Volunteer Process.
Closed Campus
Please take note that Auguston Traditional Elementary School is a closed campus. Our district Administrative Procedure 301-Access to Students is meant to regulate access by any person or organization to students in the Abbotsford School District.