Registration Information
Auguston Traditional Elementary is a Kindergarten to Grade 5 school within the Abbotsford School District. Auguston has an assigned catchment area (see school locator to find your child's catchment school), but also accepts non-catchment requests as per school district policy.
Bussing information for students who are in Auguston's catchment: https://www.abbyschools.ca/student-transportation
**Please note that Auguston does NOT have bussing to and from our school for OUT OF CATCHMENT students.**
Registration Information
- Families NEW to Canada (Work Permit or as Permanent Resident) may need to contact the school board office prior to registering at the school.
- Families MUST be physically living in Auguston's catchment to register (as per school district policy) - click here for the School Locator to determine your catchment
- Please see School Office Hours - Visitors to the school, including parents/guardians/caregivers, are welcome.
- Documentation Needed to Register * In order for a child to be registered in an Abbotsford school, evidence of guardianship and proof of residency must be provided. These documents include photo identification of the parent/legal guardian, evidence of guardianship as shown on the child’s long-form birth certificate or another legal document, and the child’s birth certificate. Evidence of residency is required by providing one primary source and one secondary source reflecting the parent/legal guardian’s name and address as per Administrative Procedure, Section 2. Primary sources must be current-dated documents that include utility/electricity bills, Canada Revenue Agency documents, and BC Medical Services Plan invoice/statement. Secondary sources must be current-dated documents that include: internet service for the address, Subject-Free Home Purchase contract, Insurance statements/policies, Health documents (medical reports or letters), Employment pay slips
- In addition to documentation needed, please provide your child's latest Report Card (either scan and email to auguston@abbyschools.ca or bring in to the school and we will photocopy)
- NEW families to the school district MUST show ORIGINAL documents in person
Forms needed at registration:
- AP 336-1 School Registration Form - Fillable PDF form (download before you fill in) you can complete and email it to auguston@abbyschools.ca or Printed Registration form to bring to the school office.
- AP 336-2 Request for Email Address Consent
Online Consent in Schoolcash
Go to https://www.schoolcashonline.com/
- Photo/Media Consent (for current school year)
- Off Grounds Permission (for current school year)
From the PAC
- Parent-Initiated Classroom list (please contact the PAC at augustonpac@gmail.com)
Information for Parents
Click here for Administrative Procedures on the district website: https://www.abbyschools.ca/about/administrative-procedures/AP300.
Click here for Information for New Families to Auguston
How to Register
Kindergarten Registration
Families residing in Auguston's catchment have priority for registration. If you reside in Auguston's catchment, registration normally begins the third week of January of the year your child turns 5 years old. Kindergarten registration for the 2025-26 school year will commence on Monday, January 20, 2025, at 8:30 am.
Additional information
- See the District website for how to register: Kindergarten Registration *Note that Auguston is a catchment school and is NOT part of the lottery draw for district programs for Kindergarten
- Please provide all necessary documentation EVEN IF you have a currently enrolled older sibling at Auguston. In addition, please provide your child's immunization records.
- Registration will not be complete until all necessary forms and documentation are received.
How do I apply to attend Auguston for Kindergarten from Out of Catchment?
If you reside outside of Auguston's catchment, please register at your catchment school and make a non-catchment request starting Feb. 3, 2025, for September, EVEN IF you have an older sibling currently enrolled at Auguston. Click here for a fillable In-District Non-Catchment Request form to be signed by your catchment school's principal, then forward the non-catchment request to Auguston (scan & email or drop off at the school office) starting Feb. 3, 2025. Please email to: auguston@abbyschools.ca. Click here for more information on catchments.
Out-of-catchment applications will only be considered once all catchment students have been accommodated. An application does not guarantee acceptance.
Grades 1-5
Families residing in Auguston's catchment have priority for registration.
How do I apply to attend Auguston for Grades 1-5 from Out of Catchment?
If you have child/ren attending another school in Abbotsford School District and OUTSIDE of Auguston's catchment, please click here for a fillable In-District Non-Catchment Request form to be signed by your catchment school's principal, then forwarded to Auguston starting in February. Please email the non-catchment request to auguston@abbyschools.ca. Click here for more information on catchments.
Thank you for your interest in Auguston Traditional Elementary School!
Registration for 2025-26 School Year for Currently Enrolled Students
- Current Out of Catchment Kindergarten to Gr. 4 students will be required to follow the district non-catchment procedures, by applying starting February 3, 2025, for approval to attend next year at Auguston. Click here for a fillable In-District Non-Catchment Request form to be signed by your catchment school's principal, then forwarded to Auguston starting Feb. 3. Please send via email: auguston@abbyschools.ca
- Click here for the Out of District Non-Catchment Request form
If your child is currently at Auguston in K-Gr. 4 and you are in catchment, it will be assumed your child is continuing at Auguston for the following school year unless you notify the office otherwise **IF YOU ARE MOVING next year and leaving Auguston Traditional, please contact the office (auguston@abbyschools.ca or Ph: 604-557-0422)**
Out-of-catchment applications will only be considered once all catchment students have been accommodated. An application does not guarantee acceptance.
Registration for Middle School
- The feeder school for Auguston catchment addresses is Clayburn Middle School. If you currently attend Auguston and live in the Clayburn catchment area your child is automatically registered at Clayburn for September. Information regarding transitioning to Grade 6 at Clayburn will be communicated to parents in the spring. Click here for Clayburn registration info.
- If you reside OUTSIDE of Clayburn's catchment area, your Grade 5 student MUST be registered at their catchment middle school starting February 3. Please check with your catchment middle school in regards to registration procedures.
- If you would like your child to attend a school outside of your catchment, you will need to complete a non-catchment request starting Feb. 3. Click here for catchments: https://www.abbyschools.ca/schools/catchments
- Click here for District Registration info.
- IF YOU ARE MOVING next year or registering at a school outside of Abbotsford School District, please contact the office (auguston@abbyschools.ca or Ph: 604-557-0422)
Registration for Abbotsford Traditional Middle School
The majority of ATMS Grade 6 students come from their two feeder Elementary schools: King and South Poplar. The remainder of their Grade 6 students come from schools throughout Abbotsford and even eastern Aldergrove and Mission. They also occasionally have openings for Grades 7 and 8. Please note, Auguston was previously considered one of ATMS' feeder schools, but is now part of the Bateman family of schools. ATMS does have Auguston students from year to year and the process for them to register is the same as is for non-feeder school students. ATMS anticipates spaces for students new to Traditional education once the Traditional feeder school enrollment is confirmed. Click here for ATMS Registration Info.