Strong Start at Auguston
StrongStart has begun at Auguston!
StrongStart at Auguston runs Monday to Friday on school days from 8:45 AM to 11:45 AM and takes place in the multi-purpose room (Rm 130). Families enter thru the multi-purpose room door (by the Kindergarten classes) from the lower parking lot (please do not come to the school office, but enter via the multi-purpose room door UNLESS strong start is in the gym). Thursdays are outside, 9 AM to 11 AM on the school grounds (until Nov. 28, then it’ll be Monday to Friday in the classroom - and then outside again in the spring!). See: Strong Start Centres & Nature Thursday
StrongStart is a free, drop-in early learning program for children (ages 0-5 years) accompanied by a parent or caregiver. It is a ministry of education program, run with the school districts throughout BC and there’s around 400 StrongStart centres in schools in BC. In Abbotsford, we have 13 centres.
StrongStart offers preschool aged children, quality early learning experiences and offer play opportunities, while demonstrating to parents and caregivers how they can enhance their child’s development.
The emphasis of the program is on learning through play, language and positive social interactions.