Traffic Safety
We have a very busy school property for about 15 minutes at the beginning of the day and again at the end. As student safety is our biggest concern, we ask that you are mindful of our school zone and drive slowly and carefully in front of and around our school. We have had a close call and some concerns brought to light so are wanting to bring this to everyone’s attention. Small children can be unpredictable and run out in crosswalks without looking and are small so are often hard to see. Please be extra vigilant when coming near to our crosswalks as you see families and kids approaching.
In order to keep the flow of traffic moving safely, we ask that you consider the following
- Please don’t stop in the roundabout at pickup or drop-off times. The traffic needs to continue to flow and if you are longer than students getting in and out of the car, traffic backs up quickly. If your child isn’t ready when you are in the roundabout, please do another loop or park in an empty spot to wait.
- Please don’t park in areas leading up to our crosswalks on either side of the road. This makes it harder to see students as they approach and want to cross.
- The front bus loop is for immediate pickup and drop off as well. Please don’t park there as we need to keep the flow of traffic moving.
- Please don’t stop in the road to pick up your children – traffic does need to flow and stopping to let kids in and out of vehicles creates a backlog, too.
- PLEASE drive SLOWLY and with care.
Again, this is only for a short amount of time at the beginning and end of the day. We appreciate your help in keeping all of our kids safe.
Mrs. Sward, Acting Principal