
Sports Day

Jun 13 2024, All day

Sports Day takes place on Thursday, June 13.


Parents are welcome to come and watch on Sports Day! Parents are also invited in the afternoon to take on the grade 5’s in Tug-o-war!

Hot Lunch & Concession

There will be Hot Dogs on Sports Day for those who ordered, the PAC will have a cash concession open & consignment uniform items will be available.

Shape of the Day

After attendance is taken, there will be a warm up in the gym, then stations with various games/activities will begin at 9:20am. Recess is from 10:40-11am. Lunch from 12:10 to 1:04pm. In the afternoon after attendance is taken, there will be races/tug of war, etc. It will be a fun day!


Parents who are interested/available to help out on Sports Day and have completed the volunteer process, are invited to contact your child's teacher. Thank you!